Dana Hogg
Hardin County District Clerk
P.O. 2997
Kountze, Texas 77625
Email: districtclerk@co.hardin.tx.us
Phone: (409) 246-5150 ~ Fax: (409) 246-5288
HOURS 8:00 am to 5:00 pm ~ Monday through Friday
Chief Deputy Clerk: Tracie Morgan
Deputy Clerks: Robbi Hiller, Julie Chase, Kimberly Langley, Sara Boykin and Connie Shannon
Welcome to the Hardin County District Clerk's Office
Dana Hogg is the District Clerk for the 88th Judicial District Court, The Honorable Earl B. Stover, III Presiding; and the 356th Judicial District Court, The Honorable Steven Thomas Presiding.
The District Clerk is custodian of all civil cases including adoptions, divorce, family law, juvenile, delinquent tax suits, as well as, all felony criminal cases pursued by the District Attorney’s office. The District Clerk collects the fines, court costs and attorney fees on all felony cases.
If you need assistance pertaining to misdemeanors, deeds, liens, probate, marriage or birth certificates, please contact the County Clerk, Connie Becton at 409-246-5185.
If you receive a text regarding a ticket, it is most likely a scam. Please note that the District Clerk's Office will not text or call you requesting a payment for a ticket!